Consolidation and rationalization of the public companies in Spain: the information and communication technologies (ICT) holding


  • Angel Calvo Universitat de Barcelona, Spain



Public sector restructuring, Rationalization, Consolidation, INI, Inisel, ICT


This article aims to study a strategic sector in the first years of the new millennium, whose results have been already been partially presented. It is structured into four main sections, which include the introduction, a presentation of the public sector of information and communication technologies, the restructuring of the public sector of ICTs and the birth of the Inisel group, called to play an important role in the future for its leading role in the creation of the technological firm Indra. The article, which is predominantly descriptive in nature, combines industrial history with strategic management, and methodologically is a case study using primary sources of both public and private origin together with reports and studies from large international organizations.


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How to Cite

Calvo, Angel. 2018. “Consolidation and Rationalization of the Public Companies in Spain: The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Holding”. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 4 (1):142-79.


