Determining factors in the wearing of a removable prosthesis: the role of familial example. Prosthetic risk: the influence of parental behavior (Article in French)


  • I Pettenati-Soubayroux Service Odontologie Hôpital Nord, Chemin des Bourrely, Marseille, France
  • JJ Bonfil Service Odontologie Hôpital Nord, Chemin des Bourrely, Marseille, France
  • G Boëtsch G Service Odontologie Hôpital Nord, Chemin des Bourrely, Marseille, France
  • B Foti


The aim of the present study was to provide a fuller clarification of the influence of sociocultural and socioeconomic data on the bucco-dental ageing. In Particular, was suspected, the influence of the parental behavior towards the wearing of their own prostheses in the wearing of removable prostheses among the descendants. The study was led in a dental service (CHU of Marseille) on 260 from 50 to 70 years old persons. Variables in the study were mainly basic sociocultural and socioeconomic variables (sex, age, educational level and social-professional groups...); the dental morbidity (DMF); the periodontal state (corrected CPITN, plaque index, gingival index), the prosthetic state of the subjects, the prosthetic state of the parents, the behavior of the parents towards the port of their prosthesis (CPP), the behavior of the subjects in front of dental care. The data were analyzed mainly by the method of logistic regression. They indicated that the most determining variables concerning the wearing of removable prostheses were: the plaque index (OR = 1.730), the behavior in front of dental care (OR = 1.306) and especially, the parental prosthetic behavior (OR = 4.420). In others words, the fact that the parents had removable prostheses and well tolerated it, constituted an important risk factor so that the children had removable prostheses. It was here, according to the authors, about sociological and psychological determinants on the bucco-dental aging.






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