Analysis of pH variation of various calcium hydroxide compounds in vitro


  • T Lombardi Division of Stomatology and Oral Surgery, School of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Genova, Switzerland
  • R Di Felice
  • J Muhlhauser


span style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 14px" class="Apple-style-span"Among the reasons for the use of calcium hydroxide products, there is their alkalinity. Variations in the alkalinity of six commonly used calcium hydroxide compounds were studied in vitro at different time intervals. All these compounds rendered the saline solution strongly alkaline. Dycal, Life, Nucap and Reocap, had a weaker effect as compared with Contrasil and to Pulpdent paste. Such differences in the pH values were accompanied by differences in calcium loss, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Differences in the alkaline pH values and calcium losses among these calcium hydroxide compounds may account for their different clinical effectiveness in vivo./span






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