O Complexo de Frankenstein e as Leis da Robótica na Ficção Cientíca Brasileira: O Robô Assassino de José Fernandes


  • Thalita Ruth Sousa Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Naiara Sales Araújo Universidade Federal do Maranhão




The Frankenstein complex, Brazilian science fiction, robot.


The Frankenstein complex is the fear that a creature would supplantits creator. It is present in Brazilian science fiction since the mid-twentieth century, helping to understand the human-technology relationship. Therefore, this work analyses the conflicts caused by the killer robot in "As Crianças Não Devem Chorar" due to the complex and the absence of the robotics law. This bibliographical research uses the theorists Isaac Asimov (1994), Elizabeth Ginway (2005), Daniel Dinello (2006), among others.



How to Cite

Sousa, T. R., & Araújo, N. S. (2020). O Complexo de Frankenstein e as Leis da Robótica na Ficção Cientíca Brasileira: O Robô Assassino de José Fernandes. Abriu: Estudos De Textualidade Do Brasil, Galicia E Portugal, (9), 107–122. https://doi.org/10.1344/abriu2020.9.7