Differences between genders in coping: Different coping strategies or different stressors?*


  • Maria Forns Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
  • Teresa Kirchner Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
  • Judit Abad i Gil
  • Juan Antonio Amador

Paraules clau:

adolescence, coping, gender differences, stressors, adolescencia, diferencias de género, estresores


These study analysed gender specificity in coping Behaviours by taking into account the types of problem Faced by Spanish adolescents attending school. It was Focused on the ten problems most frequently reported by Participants (828 adolescents, 355 boys, and 473 girls; Mage = 14.07, SD = 1.34), which were classified using a multi-axial classification system. Coping was examined as a two separate measures of approach and avoidance coping, and as a combined measure indicating the predominant use of coping, and total coping effort. A MANCOVA and subsequent univariate tests were conducted to analyse the specificity of coping according to problem and gender, controlled by age. The results showed that the percentage of types of problems reported by adolescents differed according to gender. The influence of gender on coping was scarcely relevant when the type of problem was controlled for. There were no gender differences when the predominant type of coping was considered, but when a total coping effort measure was analysed girls showed more coping efforts than boys to face interpersonal relationship problems and personal illness.





