Evaluación y tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de jugadores patológicos de máquinas recreativas con premio


  • Àngels González Ibáñez
  • Susana Jiménez-Múrcia
  • Maria Neus Aymamí Sanromà


pathological garnbling, assessment, cognitive-behavioural treatment, cluster analysis.


Pathological gamblers form a heterogeneous group with various biopsychosocial features, which leave them susceptible to addiction to gambling. More homogeneous subgroups could be identified based on the specific weight of these factors and on rhe type of gambling chosen for their addiction. The aims of the study were to identifi the possible existence of subgroups of pathological gamblers in tems of certain psychological and psychopathological variables in a sample of 60 subjects diagnosed with this disorder according to DSM-IV criteria (APA, 1994). Furthemore, we tried to present un initial descriptive study on the progress of the subjects treated. Several questionnaires and structured interviews were used to evaluate the subjects SCL-90-R, Zuckerman's Sensation-Seeking Scale, Social Support Scale, Eysenck's Impulsiveness Scale 17, among others). Cluster analysis was pelfomed in treating the data. Three homogeneous groups were differentiated in relation to the level of psychopathology exhibited, since the psychological features evaluated were maintained in the three groups.




