Multicostate zeillerids (Brachiopoda, Terebratulida) from the Lower Jurassic of the Eastern Subbetic (SE Spain) and their use in correlation and paleobiogeography
Brachiopods, Sinemurian, Pliensbachian, Systematics, Paleobiogeography, Western TethysAbstract
The Lower Jurassic multicostate zeillerids of the Subbetic Domain are described here for the first time. A new species (Fimbriothyris? dubari) is erected, and the affinities of the remaining three species are discussed. These taxa appear as part of an assemblage that includes several other brachiopods belonging to the Terebratulida, Rhynchonellida and Spiriferinida orders, which are specified. The correlation of this assemblage with others from neighbouring basins is attempted, with the aim to precise its chronostratigraphical position. A Sinemurian-Pliensbachian transition age is proposed. The spatial distribution of the Lower Jurassic multicostate zeillerids is analysed, revealing its strictly Mediterranean character, limited to some South-western Tethys areas. This allows discarding the supposed subboreal (northwest European) influences in the Subbetic faunas proposed by several authors. The relationship of this group of brachiopods with the initial stages of break-up and subsequent drowning of the Lower Jurassic carbonate platforms is also confirmed.
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