Is there a Grenvillian basement in the Guerrero-Morelos Platform of Mexico?


  • G. Levresse UNAM
  • J. Tritlla UNAM
  • E. Deloule CRPG-CNRS UPR A2300



U-Pb dating, Zircon, Guerrero, Grenvillian Age


In the Guerrero-Morelos platform (Guerrero State, Mexico) the adakitic rocks of Early Tertiary age contain abundant hornblende-rich tonalite xenoliths. Zircon crystals have been concentrated from both adakites and xenoliths, and dated using in-situ U-Pb ion microprobe analyses. These analyses indicate the presence of inherited Grenvillian and early Triassic/late Permian crust ages, as well as a Paleocene age related with the adakite rock intrusion. This range of inherited ages is reported for the first time in the Guerrero-Morelos platform, suggesting that a continous Grenvillian crust exists between the Oaxacan complex,to the East, and the Guerrero-Morelos platform.

Author Biographies

G. Levresse, UNAM

Programa de Geofluidos, Centro de Geociencias.

J. Tritlla, UNAM

Programa de Geofluidos, Centro de Geociencias.


Dept. Geología Económica


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