Audiomagnetotelluric survey at the Bañitos-Gollete geothermal area, main Andes Cordillera of San Juan, Argentina
Audiomagnetotellurics, Geothermal resource, Hydrothermal system, Valle del Cura basin, AndesAbstract
The present research explores the Bañitos-Gollete geothermal field located in the Frontal Andes Cordillera over the Pampean flat-slab. We carried out an audiomagnetotelluric survey in order to define the underground geoelectrical
structure and to understand the link between the geothermal fluid path and the main geological structures. 2-D audiomagnetotelluric models suggest that the deep-rooted N-S fault system control the geothermal flow path. We propose a conductive heat-driven system, taking into consideration the geologic setting and the supposed low geothermal gradient of this tectonic environment. The mature Na-Cl waters from Gollete and an estimated reservoir temperature of ~140ºC are consistent with this conceptual model. Further investigations are required to assess the geothermal potential of the study area, and the present work likely represents only the first but necessary step in the exploration process.
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