Female Composers: A Pedagogical Approach on How to Discuss Female Artistic Figures with Secondary Schools Students. The Case of Ethel Smyth


  • Sandra Soler Campo Universitat de Barcelona
  • Magdalena Alegret Pampols Universitat de Barcelona




Women, Music, Stereotype, Education, Society


In the past women have had few opportunities to develop personally and work within the field music. When we talk specifically about classical music, there are few female references in the field of composition, the interpretation of certain types of instrument families (fundamentally brass and percussion) and orchestral conducting. Throughout history, women were often allowed to train as amateur musicians but not as professionals. Although male sex has progressively assimilated the sharing of household chores over the last quarter-century, women continue to assume the main burden. For example, in the Renaissance period, women had to deal with a set of sexual stereotypes surrounding the practice of certain musical instruments. The following didactic proposal aims to introduce secondary school students to the figure of the female composer and conductor. This proposal will revolve around the figure of Ethel Smyth. For this purpose, an active and cooperative methodology has been used, as well as materials such as computers with an internet connection and tangible material. The results have been very positive, reaching competency and transversal activities and encouraging a critical spirit in the students.

Author Biographies

Sandra Soler Campo, Universitat de Barcelona

Universidad de Barcelona – Departamento didácticas aplicadas (música).

Magdalena Alegret Pampols, Universitat de Barcelona

Universidad de Barcelona – Departamento didácticas aplicadas (música).





Health and Society: Ethical, Anthropological, and Social Aspects