Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Women’s Health Processes: A feminist and rights-based approach from Latin America

					View Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Women’s Health Processes: A feminist and rights-based approach from Latin America

This issue presents the work of eight authors who address women's health processes from a Latin American context, tackling health and disease situations from a feminist and situated rights approach. The topics covered address in a broad and comprehensive manner various aspects of sexual and procreative health: from giving birth or regulating fertility in pandemic times to home birth care or the vision from the users of social networks, without forgetting gender inequalities, informal care, the positioning of obstetric students before the legal termination of pregnancy and also considering a forgotten and silenced topic such as urinary incontinence in women.

Published: 2021-07-02

Prevención, Promoción y Educación para la Salud