Mediation as a tool of the Sustainable Development Goals in the nascent Law of University Coexistence: UNIMEDIA Proposal




Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Justice, University, Higher Education, ADR, ODR, Mediation, Culture of Peace, University Coexistence Law, UNIMEDIA


The purpose of this contribution is to man the Culture of Peace aircraft by operating four of its independent but interconnected engines through mediation. On the one hand, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 4 -Education- and 16 -Peace, Justice, and Solid Institutions-. And, on the other hand, Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR) and Online Dispute Resolutions (ODR), in general, and mediation, as a connecting bridge between all of them, in particular. International flight that will land in one of the Institutions that, in our view, has more and greater responsibility in the construction of the SDGs and the Culture of Peace in our society: the University. All this, from the innovation and the present time, applied in a concrete way to Spain, through two Drafts of the Law of Justice and Education that, feasibly, will enter into force in 2022: The Draft of the Law of Procedural Efficiency Measures of the Public Service of Justice (2020, 15th December) and the Draft University Coexistence Law (2021, 25th May). On this basis, a mediation proposal for Higher Education has been made: The UNIMEDIA Project: a University that mediates -dialogues, negotiates and agrees when managing conflicts-, as a model, trainer and guide in peaceful coexistence, contributing like this in an essential way to the Culture of Peace, within the framework of the SDGs, Agenda 2030.

Author Biography

Marta Gonzalo Quiroga, Rey Juan Carlos University

Professor of Private International Law

Mediator. International referee. Director Own Title of Expert in Mediation URJC


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2021-10-15 — Updated on 2022-02-14

How to Cite

Gonzalo Quiroga, M. . (2022). Mediation as a tool of the Sustainable Development Goals in the nascent Law of University Coexistence: UNIMEDIA Proposal. Education and Law Review, (1 Extraordinario), 281–306.