Competence training in Economics and Business graduates: an entrepreneurial view
Instrumental competences, Interpersonal competences, Systemic competences, Productivity, Comprehensive training, GraduatesAbstract
This research is intended to analyze what we think it could be one of the roots causing the poor performance of workers. In order to do so we go back to one of its likely origins: training and acquisition of working abilities during university education. We analyze how the didactic framework fits the abilities that the labor market demands to university students in order to get into it. We have surveyed recently graduated students in the Economics Faculty at the Universitat de Barcelona, as well as teachers from the same Faculty and employers. With the results following these surveys we will proceed to thoroughly analyze the present situation of young workers in terms of instrumental, interpersonal and systemic competences, focusing on the perception of employers. Following our approach a better teacher planning focused on the student and paying special attention to comprehensive training, may essentially contribute to the increase of the future labor productivity level of current students.References
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