Questioning the gender perspective in research


  • Barbara Biglia Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Núria Vergés-Bosch Universitat de Barcelona



Feminist methodologies, Gender, Research, Feminisms, Self-evaluation


The promotion of gender equality in research and innovation is one of the commitments of the European Commission, which is pushing for the explicit integration of the gender perspective in Horizon 2020 projects. However, the interpretation and application of this recommendation often appears to be insufficient. At the Interdisciplinary Seminar of Feminist Research Methodology (SIMReF), we have been working for many years to highlight the need to incorporate a gender and feminist perspective throughout the research process. One of our aims is to establish networks with groups that research gender and methodology, such as Copolis. When the gender unit at the University of Barcelona invited us to design and lead a workshop entitled “Why and how to conduct research with a gender perspective”, we saw the need to create new material in the form of questions, to start thinking about our research. We begin this short article with an introduction on feminist epistemologies and on the advantages of including gender and feminist perspectives in research. This is followed by legal recommendations on the subject, and a list of self-evaluation questions for research, developed for the workshop.


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How to Cite

Biglia, B., & Vergés-Bosch, N. (2016). Questioning the gender perspective in research. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 9(2), 12–29.



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