(Auto) biographical reflection and deconstruction in the context of the teaching-learning process developed in the course Role and Identity in Social Work


  • Toni Sangrà Boladeres University of Barcelona
  • Jose Antonio López Rodríguez University of Barcelona
  • Silvia Iannitelli Musculo University of Barcelona
  • Rosa Maria Alemany Monleon University of Barcelona




Autobiography, Epistemological deconstruction, Social Work, Autonomous learning, Collaborative learning


In the following paper we present the teaching-learning experience developed in the fourth year of the degree in Social Work in the compulsory course Role and Identity in Social Work. From the pedagogical point of view, we invite our students to reflect on their own learning process through the deconstruction of their autobiography. We focus on methodologies that promote and encourage a heterarchical learning process between students and teachers based on the respect for academic knowledge and everyday life. We believe that in the current social and educational context, teachers have the challenge to open pedagogical possibilities to other formats of transmission of knowledge in the teaching of Social Work, thus encouraging and stimulating student participation (as proactive subjects), complex thinking, transformative action and the transdisciplinarity of knowledge.

This proposal is also part of a teaching innovation project that aims to reorient the transmission of knowledge based on narrative strategies. The incorporation of this reflective approach into the project translates into a collective and co-built learning experience which involves other subjects and teachers, thus allowing us to expand the epistemological perspectives and learning expectations.

In this sense, this article aims to explain and reflect on this teaching-learning experience, and, at the same time, assess the methodology that has been used and the actions that have been carried out based on the results.


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