The public space use by the new neighbors of Casc Antic of Barcelona: continuity and innovations


  • Nadja Monnet


Differential use of the public space, manners to mark it, etnic buisness, living together, migrations


To try to understand the urban and social practices of the different people who take up a specific neighbourhood (the Casc Antic of Barcelona), we suggest observing the (re)organization and the diferencial use of the public space by his various users. In this parte of the old city of Barcelona, which has been receiving immigration for a long time, there is a big diversity of people who are leaving marks in the urban landscape each one on its own way. Even if the urban space limits, it allows, as well to make personal modifications; adaptations marked by the old costums of the district or by the introdution of new elements. We propose studying here this mark that allows to point out differences often subtly started visualized by the decorations of the shops, fragances, colours, sounds, etc.

