Los programas informáticos P2P y las nuevas perspectivas de la industria musical en Norteamérica y Europa


  • Guillem Baladia Puche
  • Eduardo Riol Carvajal


Internet, Recording industry, P2P Programs, North America, Europe


Internet can be considered as a true social catalyst that advances new tendencies and behaviours, and that represents continuous challenges to the social, cultural, politic and legal frames of the countries of the world. In relation to the transmission of data via the net, one of the most characteristic issues is the P2P file-sharing programs controversy. The legal, physic and geographical vagueness of the P2P programs has contributed to its own constant redevelopment and mutation, despite the attempts of the main music companies to stop them. In this essay we wish to contribute to the discussion about the legal, geographical and social frame of the music file-sharing on the net. In order to achieve it, we will first study how the P2P programs work and its incidence on the recording industry in North America and Europe, questioning the idea that they are guilty of the fall of music sales. Following we will analyse a P2P program, the Soulseek, that has become one of the most interesting alternatives to other massive and saturated programs, as Edonkey or Kazaa.

