About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Aurora is a philosophical research journal, focused on Maria Zambrano's work and open to the wide thematic field and references to which her work refers (politics and ethics, arts and literature, spirituality). Its purpose is to provide means that facilitate and favor the study of Zambrano's thought and disseminate the results of the research on it. The target audience is made up first of specialized researchers, also of general scholars of the disciplines concerned and, finally, of readers interested in Zambrano and the thematic fields that are related to her work.

Peer Review Process

The works submitted to Aurora, with the exception of reviews, will be subject to an evaluation by two specialist reviewers, suggested by the “Advisory Board”, anonymous and external to the author's institution, which will give rise to two reports (double blind peer review), from which the “Editorial Board” will decide on the publication of the work and communicate the decision to the author within a maximum period of six months from its receipt. An article can be publishable/unpublishable/publishable subject to certain changes according to the regulations of style and/or writing, content, etc.

Publication Frequency

The magazine is annual. Published in January / February

Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing

Aurora invokes the Declaració ética i de bones pràctiques per a les revistes cientifiques editades per la Universitat de Barcelona


Sources of Support

With the support of the María Zambrano foundation

Journal History

Aurora. Papers of the María Zambrano Seminar was born in 1999 linked to a research group of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona. His will is to make Zambrano's thought known in an international context from the conviction that thought enriched, and still enriches, some of the most important contemporary debates in the field, not only of philosophy, but also of literature and the arts, ethics or feminism. From nº 13 (2012), the journal incorporates the artistic contribution of a group of professors from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona that highlights the potential of María Zambrano's speech. From nº 14 (2013) the University of Barcelona recognizes Aurora as a scientific journal. Aurora appears in a short time in important directories and indexes forcing changes in formats and approaches. The journal maintains a close relationship with María Zambrano Foundation.