Vers une analyse morphologique des structures mobiles des régions orale et pharyngée


  • M Laude
  • G Thilloy
  • J.M Doual
  • C Delachapelle
  • A Doual-Bisser


Because of the importance of their functional activity, it seems it is now necessary, in dento-facial orthopedy, always to closely into the radiological observation of the mandible structures in the oral and pharyngeal regions, which led us to the elaboration of a plan for the morphological study of those tissues.

This study is done on teleradiographics in norma-lateralis, taken at rest position, on children who use to show a lingual interposition between the dental arcades.

Its purpose is a morphological reading of the hyo-glosso-pharyngeal structures by means of the linear mensurations and surface studies through a computer table.





Original Research Articles