Mécanismes immunopathologiques associés aux granulomes et kystes odontogènes: revue générale


  • K Kalusokoma
  • J Duchateau
  • R Mayer
  • N Dourov


The authors make a general survey of the immunopathological mechanisms involved in odontogenic cysts and granulomas. The dental pulp and the sound periapical tissues contain neither inflammatory nor immunoglobin-producing cells.

Dental decay associated with bacterial agression of the dental pulp and periapical tissues might induce a non-specific inflammation which subsequently becomes more specific. Immunoglobulins are present in fluid aspirates from odontogenic cysts and granulomas.

Several investigations have pointed out non-specific inflammatory mediators (including the C3 complement components), T lymphocytes (helpers and suppressors), B lymphocytes, Protein S-100 + cells (Langerhans cells).

The presence of immunoglobulins, immunocompetent cells and C3 complement components confirms that all constituents of both humoral and cell-mediated immunological reactions might play an essential role in the pathogenesis of osteolysis.





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