Educar desde la reflexión en acción la estrategia multimodal del baloncesto en la educación física de secundaria

Educating from reflection into action the multimodal strategy of basketball in secondary physical education


  • Paula Pla-Pla Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC), Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
  • Pere Lavega-Burgués Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC), Universitat de Lleida, Spain
  • Miguel Pic Universidad de La Laguna, Spain



dimensions of motor behavior, education of motor behaviours, motor strategy, physical education


Physical Education is drifting towards a systemic vision, not only favoring the development of motor skills, but also that of socio-affective aspects. Consequently, the need arises to carry out significant interventions based on the education of motor behaviors. In this paper, we analyze an intervention on the multimodal motor strategy in basketball applied to students in the first year of secondary education. An innovative proposal focused on a multidimensional sports strategy for basketball was designed and implemented, taking into account the internal logic and the four dimensions of motor behavior. The research follows a quantitative approach and uses the questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The results indicate that the affective and organic dimension is at the service of decision-making and the internal logic of sport. Specifically, offering students an evaluation process explicitly generates the incorporation and improvement of the dimensions of motor behavior. In addition, the data reaches the maximum value scored after performing the reflection in action with the evaluation of the rival team. Likewise, the education of motor behaviors is a key aspect for the improvement of the students' competence through educating the motor strategy.


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