The gypsy community facing the sexual orientation. An approach to the attitudes of the gypsy population towards homosexual sex-affective relationships.
Roma community, Sexual orientation, Gender, Peaceful coexistence, HomosexualityAbstract
The Roma community has been mistreated and rejected since its arrival on the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th century. Today, despite being the largest ethnic minority in Spain and the various legal and social initiatives in favour of equality, they continue to suffer discrimination from the mainstream society. This has fostered the strengthening of the ingroup accompanied by cultural conservatism as a form of self-protection. Apart from that, despite the current trend of normalisation of sexual diversity in contemporary societies, lesbian, gay and bisexual people continue to suffer discrimination, especially in more traditional environments or communities. This rejection on the grounds of sexual orientation within the family or the community can hinder the free development of the person, as well as compromise peaceful coexistence. The aim of this study is to make an initial approach to the attitudes of the Roma population towards non-heterosexual sexual orientation, in order to find out how this population views homosexual relationships, and to assess whether this has any impact on family and community coexistence. To this end, the semi-structured interview technique was used. The results suggest that Roma attitudes towards homosexual relationships will vary depending on the context.
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