On Unconditional Hos(ti)pitality: Thinking-doing Strategies for Dis/Abling Arts Education


  • Francisco B. Trento




Hospitality and diplomacy are understood as universal hosting parameters. However, they fail to address non-neurotypical perception, jeopardising the inclusiveness of arts education environments. By bringing hospitality, inclusiveness, neurotypicality, and more-than-human wildness into conversation, I argue for developing pedagogical spaces oriented to deconstructing normalcy. This article emerges at the intersection of disability studies and neuroqueerness and it is further developed through KarenBarad’s take on non-human agency and Deleuzoguattarian schizoanalysis. Jacques Derrida conceptualises hostipitality to problematise how hospitality cannot enable radical difference. I discuss this notion in dialogue with anecdotes from The Spaze, which is a schizoanalytical experiment and a procedural architecture oriented to non- neurotypicality developed at the Senselab. There, relationality is understood as always more-than-human. In this article, I furthermore examine how diplomacy’s rhetoricexcludes non-neurotypical perception by enacting what Félix Guattari names normopathy, namely, the privileging of linguistic patterns, human-to-human relationalities, and typical socialities. By discussing non-neurotypicality, I aim to queer rhetoric in arts education, diffracting Derrida’s notion of hospitality to foreground the more-than-human relationality developed by Deleuzoguattarian and Baradian perspectives.


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