La Hospitalitat Kantiana i la crisi dels refugiats


  • Susana Aparicio Universitat de Barcelona (UB)


Hospitality, Kant, Refugee, Human Rights


In crisis situations (these are personal in nature, social or political) humans tend to look for references that will help us to manage them. Often these references are not useful enough to overcome the crisis experienced, but usually help us to support on our decisions.

It is in this sense that the recovery on the Treaty of Perpetual Peace Kant becomes necessary. The dire humanitarian crisis being experienced by Europe in recent months, thousands of people fleeing the horrors of the war in their country and who knock at the door of the old continent in search of the opportunity for a better life, or sometimes simply a life, is putting the inability (or what is worse, indifference) of the European governments. That Europe cradle of democracy, the Europe where took place the birth and recognition of rights and civil and political liberties faces refugee crisis management with a clear and flagrant violation of human rights.

Author Biography

Susana Aparicio, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Sóc llicenciada en psicologia i disposo d'un màster en psicologia clínica per la UB. Actualment estic finalitzant el màster de ciutadania i DDHH. Treballo com a professora associada en el dept. de psicologia bàsica de la UB. La meva àrea de docència és la deontologia i l'ètica professional.




How to Cite

Aparicio, S. (2016). La Hospitalitat Kantiana i la crisi dels refugiats. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (8), 1–8. Retrieved from


