Revolution as an Askesis of a Materialist Ethics in Michel Foucault
Revolution, Askesis, Materialist Ethics, Foucault, CynicismAbstract
Considering the objections that in the seventies led Michel Foucault to take distance of revolution as a paradigm of all forms of resistance, this paper explores the “return of revolution” as a positive figure in his last lectures. Taking the project of studying the revolutionary subjectivity that the professor formulated but left undeveloped, we reconstruct the mentions of the topic in his courses between 1980 and 1984, and we clarify as a result the consideration of revolution as an ascetic figure. Recovering Foucault´s interpretation of Cynicism as the matrix of the activist life, we suggest to understand it as the elaboration of a materialist ethics, which explains revolution as an askesis and finds its realization in present experiences.
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