Landscaping the River Besòs Area. An invitation to explore a different part of the city


  • Mónica Bellido "Universitat de Barcelona"
  • German Herrera


Barcelona, BEsòs, Lansdscape


Traditionally the area near the river Bésos has been looked only as an industrial and residential zone, a place without touristic attractions, nevertheless that has been a mistaken idea because the area has a lot of interesting places to be discovered and enjoyed by the public. The area is composed by several districts: from Sant Andreu (up north), Bon Pastor, San Marti and the neighbour district of San Adriá, all of witch have an importance on showing how the city has been growing and changing on the past few years.
These images are an invitation to explore a new side of Barcelona, witch provides a much more calm and relaxing atmosphere, as well as interesting neighbourhoods and landscapes from the ones we are use to visit when we plan to travel around the city



How to Cite

Bellido, Mónica, and German Herrera. 2016. “Landscaping the River Besòs Area. An Invitation to Explore a Different Part of the City”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 45 (1):33-42.