VOT in Spanish stops in simulated emotional speech



Spanish stops, Voice Onset Time (VOT), Burst, Emotions, Simulated speech


The goal in this article is to find out whether VOT in voiced and voiceless
stops in Peninsular Spanish varies across different emotional dialogical
situations. Ten pairs of female university students from Alicante aged 18-
25 years old performed poli-functional simulated dialogue in three different
situations: joy, anger, and neutrality. After this phase, we analyzed VOT in
the three contexts and then compared our values in the neuter form with
those obtained in previous studies. Our results show differences with those
from previous research on VOT, which are based on the reading of word
lists. The statistical analysis, however, only allows us to point out some
inconclusive trends in the influence of the emotions examined.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Belda, J. C., & Padilla, X. A. (2023). VOT in Spanish stops in simulated emotional speech. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 30, 35–57. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/experimentalphonetics/article/view/43965


