Mother-baby´s prosodic and communicative alterations due to postpartum depression



prosody, postpartum depression, mother-baby interaction, preverbal stage


The aim of the present study was to determine the incidence of postpartum depression (DPP) on verbal production and prosodic characteristics of infant- directed speech (IDS) and prelinguistic vocalizations during early mother-child interactions. Forty-four mother-child dyads between 2 and 10 months of age were analyzed. The mothers were given a postpartum depression screening questionnaire and the dyads participated in a semi-structured play session where acoustic data were obtained to get F0 and intensity values as well as duration and amount of vocalizations. Factorial ANOVAs were performed for each variable related to verbal production and prosody for each member of the dyad depending on the factors PPD and infant age. The results showed significance in relation to PPD for the amount of infant emissions, maternal voice intensity and the use of descending curves in the mothers. Significant differences were also found as a function of infant age for the amount and duration of maternal vocalizations, intensity measurements and melodic curves in both members of the dyads. These findings showed that IDS used in mothers with PPD loses the melodic qualities of this particular speech modality that, according to literature, fulfil numerous functions during language acquisition.


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How to Cite

Paolantonio, M. P., Manoiloff, L. M. V., & E. Faas, A. (2020). Mother-baby´s prosodic and communicative alterations due to postpartum depression. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 29, 241–279. Retrieved from


