Acoustic characteristics of vowel reduction in the Spanish of Bogota (Colombia)
Phonetic vowel reduction, Stress, Duration, Speech style, Colombian SpanishAbstract
This article examines phonetic vowel reduction in the Spanish of Bogota (Colombia). The main objective is to compare the influence of speech condition (read vs. unread speech), stress and vowel type (/i, e, a, o, u/) on duration, F1 and F2 frequencies, and the euclidian distance. Results show that unstressed vowels /e, o, u/ are shorter and have a lower first formant in unread speech than stressed vowels produced in read speech. /a/ is variably realized as an open vowel [a], a central near-open vowel [ɐ] or a schwa [ə]. The stressed vowels /a/ and /o/ are slightly backed, and the stressed /e/ and /u/ are slightly fronted. The high vowel /i/ remains somewhat stable in the experimental conditions studied.
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