Melodic patterns in orders and petitions through an automatic intonation analysis


  • Pilar Oplustil Gallegos


acoustic and perceptual phonetics, intonation


This paper analysed intonation in orders and petitions in Chilean Spanish through a completely automated algorithm programmed in Matlab, which works with intonation phonetic features without analysing it phonologically. The results show that three features allow to characterize the intonation of orders and petitions: duration, semitones range and a sequence of tonal movements. Duration in petitions is larger than in orders, the range in semitones is larger in orders than in petitions and orders more often present an affirmative pattern. Contrastively, petitions present a curve that begins with a fall and ends with a steady curve. The algorithm and the results can be used to, for example, create didactic material to teach intonation.


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How to Cite

Oplustil Gallegos, P. (2015). Melodic patterns in orders and petitions through an automatic intonation analysis. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 25, 233–261. Retrieved from


