Vowel modification or aggiustamento of the spanish vowels in classical singing


  • Pilar Posadas de Julián


classical singing, vowel modification, aggiustamento, intelligibility, vocal technique, vowel discrimination, formant chart, vowel triangle


This paper studies vowel modification for the articulation of Spanish vowels in different frequencies in classical singing and their effects on intelligibility. The research investigates vowel modification through comparing spectrograms, using the formant chart and the vowel triangle to visualize the modification. A Spanish soprano´s voice was analyzed with the MDVP Multi-Dimensional Voice Program model 4305B. The voice signal was captured and digitalized using CSL (Computerized Speech Lab) by Kay Elemetrics. In the first trial, mean values of F1 and F2 for female voice (Martínez Celdrán y Fernández Planas, 2007) and the speaking voice of the singer were compared. The second trial studies the soprano´s speaking and singing voice at different frequencies (low, medium and high register), observing the modification of the vowel sounds in every frequency. Evidence showed that, for different values of F0, vowels were recorded at different positions within the vowel chart. Especially for high values of F0 (the high register), all vowels were located in the same area, affecting intelligibility. Data showed that the formant chart and the vowel triangle could be used to visualize vowel modification or the aggiustamento technique, both used traditionally in classical singing; the data provide relevant information about a probable position for the articulation of vowels. The present study also suggests that, within the context of the pedagogy of classical singing, the aggiustamento technique could be considered one of the factors affecting intelligibility.


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How to Cite

Posadas de Julián, P. (2016). Vowel modification or aggiustamento of the spanish vowels in classical singing. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 25, 263–293. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/experimentalphonetics/article/view/44144


