Influence of intonation on the perception of stress by Japanese students of Spanish



Spanish, stress, perception, intonation, Japanese learners of Spanish


Japanese learners of Spanish sometimes fail to perceive the stresses when listening to Spanish utterances. Results of a perceptual experiment with 270 stimuli and 94 informants (43 Spanish and 51 Japanese) reveal that, while Spanish speakers perceive the stresses with great certainty in all the studied contexts, Japanese speakers tend to fail to do so when the word is pronounced with rising intonation. The cause of this is the difference in phonetic realizations of Spanish stresses and those of Japanese accents. Japanese learners should be taught that the Spanish stressed syllables are not always pronounced with a high pitch.


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How to Cite

Kimura, T., Sensui, H., Takasawa, M. ., Toyomaru, A., & Atria, J. J. (2012). Influence of intonation on the perception of stress by Japanese students of Spanish. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 21, 11–42. Retrieved from


