Las facies canaliadas de la Secuencia Deposicional de Banastón (prov. de Huesca)
In the Ainsa-Boltaña region, two channel-fill units occur in the Banaston Sequence at different stratigraphic level. The lower unit (Banaston and San Vicente areas) is characterized by small, lenticular sandy and conglomeratic bodies. Paleocurrent directions are to the NW. The upper unit (Boltaña area) shows a sequence of lag deposits (clast supported conglomerates) overlain by thick-bedded sandstones with erosional features. Paleocurrent directions in this area are mainly to the N. Onlap relations with the Guara Limestones and paleocurrent trend suggest that the Boltaña anticline formed a gentle threshold during Banaston Sequence deposition.Issue