Estudio del transporte de solutos en las aguas subterráneas del sistema acuífero de Madrid mediante un modelo digital de celdas de mezcla


  • Manuel R. LLAMAS
  • Eugene S. SIMPSON


In this paper the ground-water flow and solute transfer in the Madrid aquifer system has been analyzed using a preliminary model. The model consists of a set of interconnected cells, through wich the transport of water and dissolved matter (in this case C-14) is represented by a sequence of finite states. The transformation from one state to the next is governed by successive equations. For each iteration and in each cell, the model conputes, among other things: a) the cell state (mass or concentration); b) the average age of the water in the cell. As usual, this mass transfer model requires a previous knowledge or "guess" of the flow system. This model was designed by the second author and previously applied to several American aquifers. The Madrid basin call network consists of 30 cell distributed in two horizontal layers. The flow among the cell and the iput from the environment to the system were estimated from data other previous digital models of the Madrid basin. The calibration elements were almost twenty C-14 (non-ajusted) data. The computed data are coherent with the "real world" data of the age and of the flow system. Neverthless of the cell network and of the imputs. This will be done when new data on C-14 adjusted age and on the flow system are available.




