Los nummulitidos (Nummulites y Assilina) del Paleoceno Superior-Eoceno Inferior de la Cuenca Pirenaica: Sistemática. Género Nummulites
This paper seeks to contribute to our knowledge of the main Upper Paleocene - Lower Eocene nummulitid assemblages and their chronostratigraphic distribution in the Pyrenean Basin. The systematic study focuses on the numerous species belonging to the genera Nummulites and Assilina from the Southem Pyrenean Basin. Some of the taxa described are compared with the same taxa from the Northem Pyrenean Basin (France) or those from other Mesogean basins: Switzerland (Schlierenflysch and Gurnigelflysch) and Austrian Alps (Helvetic alloctonous units), northem Italy, Adriatic marine shelves (Slovenia and Croatia), Crimean peninsula (Ukrania), Haymana basin (central Anatolia, Turkey), and Salt Range (Pakistan). The systematic study includes the description and discussion of 98 nummulitid taxa (including species, subspecies and affinities) belonging to:
- Nummulites, 66 taxa belonging to the following groups: N. perforatus, N. partschi, N. rotularius, N. minervensis, N. globulus, N. laevigatus, N. distans, N. heberti and N. spirectypus.
- Assilina, 32 taxa belonging to the following groups: A. spira, A. exponens, A. subgranulosa, A. ammonea, A. canalifera and A. alpina. In this paper, we have followed Loeblich and Tappan's (1987) descriptions of Assilina, which include the traditional genenc names Assilina and Operculina within the single genus Assilina.