Influence du développement vertical du massif facial supérieur sur les différents composants palatins


  • H Blocquel Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire, 1 place de Verdun, 59045 Lille Cedex.
  • M Laude
  • P Lafforgue
  • A Devillers


We put the vertical rotations of the premaxilla and of the hard palate in relation with the vertical development of the maxillary fied. The latter has been evaluated by the changes of length of the right segment that was defined by the prof. Delaire point and its MH1 projection of the hard palate.
The vertical variations of the maxillary fields, evaluated from the M-MH1, have an influence on the orientation of the hard palate and the premaxilla in relation to the angle of the pterygoclivian compass.
This action is very perceptible at the level of the premaxilla-palatinal junction. It is lower at the level of the hard palate and of the premaxilla when these are separately studied.
We got the impression that the front and the back nasal thorns are relatively steady zones during the growth compared to the premaxillo-palatinal junction.





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