Guided tissue régénération. Ultrastructural observation by transmission electron microscope and by scanning electron microscope


  • V Cattaneo
  • C Piacentini
  • F Vezzoni
  • M Silvestri
  • R Boratto
  • P Menghini


membranes PTFE, fibroblast, macrophages, ultrastructure


PTFE membranes are used for guided tissue regeneration in oder to treat angular bone defects or forcation involvements in surgical treatment.

Ultrastructural investigations have been performed by means of electron transmission and scanning microscopy. In agreement with previous reports, fibroblast cells adhering to the reticular structure of PTFE membrane were observed; these were interposed among coagulated clusters of fibrinous material and blood cells round shaped. Elongated bacterial cells were always present in the microscope fields analysed.

These observations were confirmed by means of transmission microscopy; moreover specific techniques enabled us to demonstrate that fibroblast cells were synthetizing collagene, which was present in the form of extracellular fibers mixed to fibrine clusters. Roundish and elongate bacterial cells were always observed both in the extracellular matrix and into macrophages.





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