Computerized stabilometry in the diagnosis of craniomandibular disorders


  • D Palano
  • G Molinari
  • M Cappelletto
  • G Guidetti
  • B Vernole


craniomandibular disorders, posture, rachis, stabilometry, balance disorders


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the cervical region and the stomatognatic system on the balance control. We examined 35 healthy subjects and 201 balance disorder patients; of the 201 patients 60 suffered also from craniomandibular disorders (CMD) and 40 from cervical rachis disease. All cases were tested by computerized stabilometry executed in Romberg position: with closed eyes, retroflexed head and two cotton roles between the dental archs. The results show that cervical rachis disease and stomatognatic dysfunction have a significative influence on the balance control; however, this influence is smaller than that of vestibular disease; moreover, the computer stabilometry allows to measure the degree of ascending or descending correlation between the posture and stomatognatic system.





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