Effect of the Tabby mutation on the dentition of mice
The X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in man leads to dental defects and is homologous to the Tabby (Ta) mutation in mouse. We currently investigate the effects of the Ta mutation on odontogenesis. The incisor germ of Ta showed an abnormal size and shape, a change in the balance between prospective crown- and root-analogue tissues and retarded cytodifferentiation. Although the enamel organ in Ta incisors was smaller, a larger proportion of the dental papilla was covered by preameloblasts-ameloblasts. The independent development of the labial and lingual parts of the enamel organ in rodent lower incisor might reflect their heterogeneous origin, as demonstrated for the upper incisor. The mandibular cheek dentition in Ta mice exhibits large variations classified in five morphotypes, based on the tooth number, shape, size and position. In Ta embryos, the mesio-distal extent of the dental epithelium was similar to that in WT, but its segmentation was altered. These morphotypes could be explained by a tentative model suggesting that 1) the positions of tooth boundaries differ in Ta and WT molars and among the Ta morphotypes; 2) the tooth patterns are determined by the distal boundary of the most mesial tooth primordium while the distal teeth take advantage of the remaining dental epithelium; 3) one tooth primordium in Ta mice might derive from adjacent parts of two primordia in WT.
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