Us/others and Galicia for Annette Meakin




Annette Meaking, Ethnography, Galicia, Differential Values, Feminisms, Women


This paper analyses the book Galicia inédita. Diario de viaxe de An nette Meakin, a translation into Galician of the original work published in English in 1909 by Annette Meakin, Galicia the Switzerland of Spain, an ethnographic monograph written by an English woman for the English public and a pioneer of anthropology in Europe. The work and the author provide an opportunity to learn about the logics underlying the ethnographic travelogues on Galicia for the Euro pean public from the 19th to the 20th century, and the socio-cultural values inter twined in the processes of colonisation in its race towards imperialism. The aim is to analyse the research logics employed by the author to uncover the identity of Galicia, its differential values, and the Galician identity in its women and men, without losing sight of the presence or absence of criticism of the gender system, the politics of sexuality, and definitions of class and ethnicity.




How to Cite

Mariño Costales, M. (2021). Us/others and Galicia for Annette Meakin. Abriu: Estudos De Textualidade Do Brasil, Galicia E Portugal, (10), 167–194.