An Item Response Theory analysis of the Revised Token Test in normally developing native Spanish speaking children
Paraules clau:
Revised Token Test, Item Response Theory, assessment, children, neuropsychologyResum
Revised Token Test (RTT) is a proven sensitivity test for the evaluation of language comprehension. There is little evidence regarding the psychometric properties of the same in children. Similarly, many facts about the facilities of the item response theory (IRT) will not contribute to study these properties in neuropsychological tests and even less when applied to these populations.Thus, the objectives were to assess the psychometric properties of the RTT test population of children with normal development and also show the utility of the IRT models type of neuropsychological assessments. The sample consisted of a total of 250 healthy spanish-speaking children from 4 to 12 years old living in the city of Guadalajara (Mexico). This sample was divided into two groups,the older younger children (4-9 years) and (10 to 12 years). The results suggest high sensitivity of the RTT sample at different ages and also an excellent discriminant validity in both groups. In addition, the test allowed to properly classify different levels of skills related to language and other latent traits.Descàrregues
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