Psychometric properties of the Compensatory behaviors for driving questionnaire
Paraules clau:
Questionnaire, Driving, Adaptation, Factor analysisResum
The purpose of this study was to construct and validate an instrument that meets the necessary requirements in order to know which strategies are drivers when driving must be adapted due to the decline or psycho-physical limitations or circumstances. In the validation study was involved 312 drivers (80,4% men and 19,6% women), aged from 20 to 80 years. The analysis of internal consistency obtained a Cronbach alpha value of 0,90 for the questionnaire. The values of item-total correlations ranged from 0,44 to 0,66. The concurrent validity relative to benchmark ‘Questionnaire 55 or+’ was 0,53. Factor analysis has a structure of 3 factors: Displacement, driving skills, and environmental conditions that explain 57,11% of the variance. In conclusion, the ‘Compensatory behaviors for driving questionnaire’ is a short instrument to assess adaptation to driving which shows adequate psychometric values.Descàrregues
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