Personal and collective self-esteem: Association with ethnic identity in Brazilian


  • Diana Ramos-Oliveira Universidad Católica de Petrópolis, Campus BC, Petrópolis, Río de Janeiro

Paraules clau:

Self-esteem, Collective self-esteem, Ethnicity, Brazilian


People evaluate themselves from the successes and failures everyday with others in social comparisons and comparisons with their own internal parameters, as well as to the evaluation by the individual, and the perception of evaluation what, others do about these groups, thus presenting the personal nature (PSE) and collective (CSE) of self-esteem. The main objective of this study is to explore the differences in ethnic identity in Brazil, as well as contrast the relations between PSE and CSE. A total of 255 people completed the PSE Rosenberg (1965), CSE of Crocker and Luhtanen (1990) and Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (Phinney, 1992) scales. The results show that PSE is associated with the CSE, especially in the dimension of perceived social support in their group. Achievement of ethnic identity and linguistic practices, is related the Blacks to PSE although Mulattos show significant specificities. Finally, CSE of is a source of PSE, especially in its dimension of membership or perceived social capital within the group, particularly in heterogeneous societies like Brazil as well as possible derivations and improvements of the study. Some implications for future research are discussed.

Biografia de l'autor/a

Diana Ramos-Oliveira, Universidad Católica de Petrópolis, Campus BC, Petrópolis, Río de Janeiro

Centro de Ciencias de la Salud, Programa de Posgrado en Psicología



