Academic stressors perceived by university students and their relationship with academic burnout, efficacy and performance
Paraules clau:
Academic stressors, Academic burnout, Academic performance, Academic efficacy, University studentsResum
This study aimed to examine the principal stress sources perceived by university students at academic context and to analyze the relationship between these stressors and academic burnout and performance. Participants were 532 undergraduate students from Universidad de León. The techniques used in this survey were Academic Stress Questionnaire and the Spanish version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey. Results showed that situations related to exams are perceived as stressor more frequently. Lack of value from the contents is a significant predictor of burnout. In addition, efficacy and performance are predicted by teacher methodological shortcomings and lack of participation. On the other hand, stress caused by public participation shown a negative influence on both efficacy and performance. To reduce stress level and burnout and improve students’ performance, possible intervention strategies are proposed.Descàrregues
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