Twenty-five years of research on work and organizational psychology: A bibliometric perspective
Paraules clau:
Work and organizational psychology, h-index, Citation, BibliometricsResum
The research aims to analyze the scientific productivity in the field of work/organizational psychology (WOP) in the last 25 years. We focus our analysis on the most influential journals and articles, generally and for 5-year periods, as well as structures of co-citation among the highest quality journals based on their h-index. We found that a high percentage of papers published each year receive between 5 and 10 cites. Secondly, we observe an exponential increase in the number of papers published, citations, and h-index. Additionally, the number of self-citations significantly increases in the last 5 years. In this sense, we consider that the most recent papers need more time to increase their level of citation and, subsequently, to correct the bias on self-citation. This research shows the status of research in the field of work/organizational psychology, analyzing the scientific journals and papers published in the Web of Science.Descàrregues
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