Palliative care in homeless


  • Bernat Carreras Equipo de Atención Psicosocial (EAPS), Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu Centro de Psicología Clínica Persever
  • Jordi Valls PADES del Maresme Nord, Corporació de Salut del Maresme i La Selva, Calella
  • Sylvia Regueiro Equipo de Atención Psicosocial (EAPS), Cruz Roja, Castellón
  • Ivette Morilla Servei de Psiquiatria i Psicologia, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Centro de Psicología Clínica Persever
  • Joan Uribef Universitat de Barcelona, Departament d’Antropologia Social i Cultural
  • Cristian Ochoa Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO)

Paraules clau:

Palliative care, Homeless, homelessness persons, Clinical psychology, Psychosocial programs, End of life


In Europe, the problem of homelessness far from disappearing has increased. Europe faces the ambivalence of treasuring within its borders the best examples of welfare states and while contemplating how social inequalities are accentuated and the shortage of roof and work are perpetuated. Moreover, interest in palliative care and a dignified death, has been gaining ground in recent decades. Palliative care being recognized as the most weighted, complete and satisfactory answer to be given to the needs of assistance that involves the terminal stage in the life of a patient. The development of palliative care has not been uniform in all European countries or in different regions. The Economist report (2015) recently highlighted a pioneering program in Spain consisting of the creation of 42 teams of psychosocial and spiritual care of patients with advanced disease. One of these teams has initiated a pioneer program to care homeless patients who are in palliative, advanced or chronic disease situation. This article reviews the situation of homelessness in Europe and Spain, with special emphasis on the prevalence and causes of mortality as well as the specifics of palliative care in the homeless. Finally presents our experience after two years working as clinical psychologists homeless patients





