Evolución y determinantes de la autoestima durante los años adolescentes
Paraules clau:
Adolescence, self-esteem, family relationship, peer relationshipResum
The aim of this study is to analyse changes in selj-esteem with age, and to determine which variables contribute to its development. We are also interested in studying dzzerences between boys and girls. The sample comprised 221 boys and 292 girls, between the ages of 12 and 19. They completed a questionaaire including scales on self-esteem, family and peer relationships, and schoob pe rformance. The results showed that there are no significant diflerences between levels of self-esteem in boys and girbs. Furthermore, the data emphasized the role of caregivers and peers in the development of selj-esteem. However, school performance was important to self-esteem only in the girls, not in the boys. These and other resultsare discussed.
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