El retraso del lenguaje en niños mexicanos: vocabulario y gestos


  • Donna Jackson-Maldonado

Paraules clau:

Late talkers, language delay, early communication, communicative gestures, first vocabulary, differential assessment.


There is a need to deterrnine early predictors of language development that rnay aid in the identijication of late-talkers. This study proposes gestural and vocabulary (both comprehension and production) components that rnay dzrerentiate children with typical language development
from those who are delayed. A group of 10 children (age range 20-36 months ut first visit) with low language production were followed for a year and compared with control children of the same age. Data were collected using a parental report, experimental instruments and formal tests. Results showed specific gestural types and vocabulary measures that differentiated late talkers who bloomed from those who remained delayed ut the second visit.


