Efecto de la interacción de características jerárquicas en la primacía perceptual
Paraules clau:
Features interaction, global/local processing, hierarchic stimuli.Resum
The concept of global primacy in the processing of visual information holds that the higher level elements (global features) are perceived first, before lower level elements (local features). However, this sequence of precedence has been influenced by a nurnber of variables such as colour,form, or components of the stimulus. This paper studies the effect of these variables on global precedence applied to the perception of hierarchical stimuli: geornetrical figures made up of geometrical elements. Two main results were found: first, there were two interactions between the factors "geornetrical figure" and "peripheral geornetrical elements" and between
"geornetrical figure" and "central geometrical elements" both for reaction times and for the proportion of correct answers. This suggests the clse of global strategies in the recognition of visual images. Second there was an interaction between the factors "peripheral geometrical elements" and "stimulatory contrast" for reaction times, suggesting that the contrast existing between the elements of the visual images acts to delay global primacy due to the "figure-background" effect of the Gestalt grouping.
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