Socialización familiar y valores en el adolescente: un análisis intercultural


  • Gonzalo Musitu Ochoa

Paraules clau:

Adolescence, family, socialization, values, familism, intercultural


The aim of this research is to analyse the relationships between styles of family socialization, familism and values from an intercultural perspective. We seek to demonstrate that the characteristics of each culture lend to substantial differences in the structure of the adolescent's values and in the type of family socialization. The respondents were 838 adolescents
from Valencia (Spain), Oporto (Portugal) and Armenia (Colombia) of middle socioeconomic status, of both sexes and aged between 13 and 18 years. The instruments used were the Scale of Family Socialization SOCJO, the Scale of Familism FAM-I and Schwartz's scale values. The results of the discriminant analysis for the variable culture show the existence of significant differences in relation to the adolescent's cultural environment, in the socialization processes, farrailism and values. The results are discussed and analysed andpossible paths for the future research in this field are suggested.





